For Update 12.15, we’re shaking up your daily routine in DomiNations with Quests! This system will replace the Daily Goals with new Daily Quests, Age-related Quests, and a whole new suite of rewards to collect!

Daily Quests

With the new Quest system, you’ll have 10 Daily Quests to complete related to your current Age. Complete 9 Daily Quests, and you’ll earn a Chest with unique age-based rewards! Daily Quest rewards will be automatically claimed when you complete the quest, no additional tapping is required here! 

For the Daily Quest Chest, you’ll see a notification around the Quest button that alerts you a chest can be claimed. You’ll go into the Quest Window to claim this Chest within the Daily Quest tab.

What if you Upgrade to the next Age before completing all Daily Quests?

  • If you happen to Upgrade your Town Hall before completing all your Daily Quests, you’ll automatically complete them and be sent the Chest rewards! You will also be given brand new Daily Quests, tailored to your new Age.


What if I’ve already hit my resource cap? What happens to the rewards a Daily Quest offers?

  • If you’re already at maximum resources, or the reward would push you over your limit, the Quest will not be automatically claimed. You will need to go into the Quest Window and tap the claim button for that reward once you make room for the resources, or collect for the space you have available. But be sure to claim these rewards before your Daily Quests reset the following day!


How will I know if I completed a Daily Quest?

  • When you complete a Quest, you’ll see a banner pop out from the Quest button on the top left of the screen (underneath your resources). You can also open the menu to see the progress you have made!

What type of Quests will I be doing?

  • The Daily Quests will vary, but they focus on things you’re already doing in DomiNations and are scaled to your Age. Some examples are:

    • Collect Resources

    • Defeat Defenders

    • Have Troops Survive

    • Contribute to a Parliament Law

    • Acquire a Councilor

    • Craft or Level Up an Artifact

Age Quests

Age Quests will have you explore the various avenues of progression available to you in each Age. Master new skills, explore new Units, or discover something for you to focus on upgrading. These Quests will include Story Quests and Side Quests. Each age will feature a Councilor with dialog giving you tips on what to focus on next and their insight. Both will offer rewards as you progress through the Ages!

You’ll have only one Story Quest at a time, a new Story Quest will become available as you complete them all while rising through the Ages. After you complete a Story Quest, if you have completed the requirements of the next Story Quest you can claim its reward immediately! Side Quests work a bit differently, as you can progress through and claim the rewards from multiple Side Quests at once.

What kind of Quests will I be doing?

  • Age Quests will focus exclusively on developing your base in various ways. Think of it as an ongoing guide as you progress through the game. Some examples include:

    • Upgrade a General to Level Y

    • Fully Research a Library Technology

    • Upgrade X Farms to Level Y

    • Build a specific Building

    • Upgrade a Specific Building

    • Upgrade X Troop to Level Y


I’ve already made it to Automation Age and have maxed out my research and upgrades. What does that mean for me?

  • You’ll be able to retroactively claim your rewards based on your current progression with the Questline! So if you’ve already completed the entirety of the Age Questline at launch, you’ll simply log in and claim free rewards!



Achievements remain unchanged in this update, but you will find them in a tab within the Quests Menu featuring a new look!